Barbara Stok's Favorite Music

Barbara Stok's Favorite Music
Comic artist Barbara Stok (1970) is a true musiclover: "There is a lot of music I like to listen to at the moment, but the record I play the most is "Mess of Fire" by the Hot Pockets from Groningen. The copy I have is a longplayer, a real record, no CD. I found out I prefer to play records, because you listen to them for real. You sit down, look at the sleeve and after a whil turn the record over. The Hot Pockets play rock 'n roll, tough music, that's what I like. I don't like it if music makes me sad, I rather listen to something that gives me energy."
Barbara think it's important to pay attention to bands from Groningen: "We've got a lot of good bands, that's something we can be proud of. One of the Hot Pockets is a Canadian, he comes over to the Netherlands when he's got some spare time, just to play music. That says something about the level of the musicians from Groningen!"
(visit her website at:

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